Denomination Differences

What Denomination is Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris is the 49th vice president of the United States and 2024 candidate for the presidency. Formerly she was the attorney general of California and later a U.S. senator from the state. She is a strong advocate and enforcer of the law while also being a strong progressive advocate for various legal changes.

When it comes to religion, she has a very complicated background. She was born to a Hindu mother and to a father who grew up in an Anglican church and was at least nominally a Protestant. Despite her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, coming from a conservative Tamil Brahmin family, her husband influenced her to begin attending church in America. When Ms. Harris's parents divorced when she was young, she was raised by her mother alone, who then took her to both a Hindu temple and a variety of churches throughout her childhood.

In her 30s, Harris began to follow Amos Brown, a prominent member of the NAACP and pastor of San Francisco's Third Baptist Church, a fringe church which is part of the mainline American Baptist Churches USA. Harris has said little publicly about her spiritual beliefs beyond claiming to be a Baptist and to follow Rev. Brown as her mentor. Like Brown, Harris has been very outspoken in support of abortion and homosexuality, both things the Bible decries as sin and which Baptists near-universally oppose. It can reasonably be inferred that she generally follows his lack of concrete religious doctrinal beliefs and generally seeks to use religion as justification for her political beliefs rather than the other way around.

Like her pastor, Harris has shown a very weak dedication to Christ. She has asked her relatives in India to perform Hindu rituals to bring her luck. Christians are to have no fellowship with devilish sacrifices. She celebrates the pagan festival of Diwali, and she celebrates Hanukkah with her Jewish husband who denies the divinity of Christ. She is active in trying to appease every religion and has shown no real dedication to any of them. Her celebration of false gods goes directly against the First Commandment and what Christ called the greatest commandment.

Harris's true beliefs are only known by God. However, from her outward actions she does not hardly appear to be a Christian. She attends a church and uses Bible verses to support her political actions, but she does not speak of repentance or salvation or Christian living. At best, she is a very weak, wishy-washy Christian, but likely she is a follower of Christ in name only.