Denomination Differences

What Denomination is Amos Brown?

Amos Brown is a prominent San Francisco pastor, local NAACP president, and political advocate. He pastors at Third Baptist Church and is therefore at least nominally a Baptist. Third Baptist Church is affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA, which is a fringe sub-denomination of the Baptist faith that is more akin to mainline Protestantism than traditional Baptist beliefs.

Brown's theology is certainly not strictly Baptist. He generally gives little regard to theology in the first place. His church does not share a statement of faith or any doctrinal beliefs publicly. Brown's sermons speak of biblical events but only to the extent that they can be forced into a political argument. Repentance of sins and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ are not topics that Brown regularly addresses. He supports noble causes such as civil rights and helping your neighbors which are admirable but ultimately as "filthy rags" without faith in Christ.

Futhermore, Rev. Brown felt that banning any abortions before viability outside the womb was harmful to women, when Baptists nearly universally believe that most would be nothing short of murder. Furthermore, he has politically campaigned in favor of gay marriage and has said while he would not perform a gay wedding, he would affirm a gay couple's relationship and has licensed gay preachers. This obviously violates Baptists' beliefs in the Bible's condemnation of homosexual relationships, definition of marriage as one man and one woman, and requirement of preachers to live above reproach. Instead of calling gay people to repentance and healing, Rev. Brown calls them to find the strength to oppose Christianity.

Furthermore, while he has rarely said what about Baptist or even Christian beliefs he does believe, he has also said many things in support of other religions. He has talked of how religious pluralism, the belief that other religions are equally true, as being a goal of his church. This is in clear contrast to the Bible which says that Jesus alone is "the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by [Him]." In 2019, he visited the Mormon headquarters and said that both Latter-day Saints and Baptists are children of God, while the Bible is clear that only those who have repented and placed their faith in Christ to save them are adopted into God's family. Essentially no Christian theology concludes that Mormons are Christians, as they deny the Trinity, believe in a multitude of gods, and believe that they must earn their salvation rather than placing their faith in Christ's work on the cross. Which is consistent with Brown's further lauding to the Mormons that if everyone "followed the example of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we shall save the soul of America." Again, this is tantamount to blasphemy as following a false religion will not save anyone's soul, and our mission on earth is to draw people to the God of the Bible, not the false gods of the LDS church.

Ultimately, Amos Brown is a Baptist in name only. His beliefs are best described in political terms rather than religious ones, as he is far more of a political activist than he is a pastor. The closest denominational description of him would be mainline Protestantism, but many of his beliefs seem contrary to Christianity at all. Only God ultimately knows his heart, but the Bible appears to just be a political tool to him rather than a something that he orders his life around.