Denomination Differences

Evangelical Beliefs

Evangelicalism is a diverse movement that sometimes is described like a denomination but is more of a transdenominational ideology. It is a huge tent covering a lot of very different beliefs. Evangelicals are typically Protestant, but they can be found in many different denominations.

They are united by a common belief in the importance of spreading the gospel and making disciples. They are often characterized by a high view of scripture and a focus on personal conversion. They are often conservative in their beliefs, but there is not a lot of shared doctrine beyond the importance of evangelism. Most Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, etc. would be evangelicals while having very varied beliefs. Even some Catholics call themselves evangelical.

While it has its place, "evangelical" is just not that useful a label when discussing doctrine beyond an agreement that we should go forth and make disciples. Which generally is agreed upon by all Christians. Indeed, the fact that evangelism is the primary purpose of the church is an item of common ground among virtually all Christians.