Denomination Differences

How is This Data Compiled?

One of the most common questions received is how the information provided about what different denominations believe is collected. That is very fair, as information is only worthwhile to the extent it is true and trustworthy.

Providing trustworthy and useful information is one of the highest priorities of this site. While certainly errors will happen, items are not added without some level of verification. This rigor does lead to a slower pace of adding new content and causes many blank spaces, especially towards the bottom of the table. However, untrustworthy information is worse than no information at all.

The process of adding information is tiered, going down the list until the information is found or the search is exhausted:

Regardless of where information comes from, citations are added whenever possible to allow for verification.

It is not uncommon to get complaints that the provided info of a denomination's beliefs do not line up with with what a member of that denomination believes. On one hand, it is never the intention to misconstrue anyone's beliefs. The goal is always to be as accurate as possible. On the other hand, you will never get everyone in a denomination to agree on anything, and just saying "it varies" on everything undermines any descriptive utility. Some generalization is necessary to actually provide any information. If there is notable disagreement, that should be noted by at least saying "most believe" something, but just understand that just because something is representative of a denomination's beliefs does not mean that every single member believes that thing. This site provides a good overview of beliefs, but it is not a replacement for actually talking to people.